Hello all!

I wanted to write a post to announce the release of the pre-order for Ethereal Sequence. I’m doing something a little different this year so keep reading for the details.

Amazon Kindle Pre-Order


First off, I want to talk about the eBook pre-order because this will be the same process as last year’s. You can go directly to Amazon and search “Ethereal Sequence/Aubri Dunning” or click here and you will be able to pre-order yourself the eBook version which will release to your Kindle/tablets on December 16th.

Signed Paperback Pre-Oder

Paperback mockup

If you’re still here, you’re probably wondering what’s new.

Well, this year I opened an Etsy shop for signed paperback pre-orders. It’s there you can claim your copy and also decide whether you want a personalized inscription!

The signed copies will be shipped directly from me (after I order them from Amazon) with a thank you note and a gift.

“What is the gift,” you ask?

This is a website exclusive, everyone else wont know until they’re done but…

I’m having character prints made!

This is something I am super excited about. My cover designer, Alexander, and I have been discussing prints and I can’t give away too much, but they are going to be amazing! And a copy of the character art will come along with the signed copies. There is also talk of bookmarks with the same design! Eventually I will release these things individually on the Etsy shop for purchase once everything is finalized.

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