Book 2 of the Sequence Trilogy has an official title.

Set to release winter 2022, the eagerly anticipated second book of the Sequence Trilogy is nearly complete. And guess what…?

Official Ethereal Sequence Title by Alexander Grigorov


Here soon, we will do a countdown to reveal the full cover of Ethereal Sequence, so stay tuned for updates!

What’s happening now?

Well, right now the first draft is going through an initial read-through and its first round of edits. With the cover completed, I can now focus all of my energy on getting the content polished for our winter release this year.

(P.S. Book 3 cover will also be in the works this year. More to come on that.)

After this initial round, I may release the teaser chapter here on the website for a little sneak peek of Olivia’s predicament after the thrilling cliff hanger in Dream Sequence (book 1).

I’m so excited to be getting out some material for this amazing sequel!

A Tiny Teaser

Hmm… well, I suppose I could give a hint to what the sequel will have in store for you.

All I’ll say is that you should prepare for a fantastical adventure that gives you an inside look into the realm of demi-gods, Alfa Verden, as Liv and her friends race to save Scott and Astraea.

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