The Wait is Over. It’s Finally Here!

I am so very excited to reveal this cover that my designer, Alexander Grigorov, and I started earlier this year. I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out and I think it really captures the theme of the second book in this amazing trilogy. It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to be a series writer and seeing my second book come to life is a surreal feeling. I hope it was everything you were waiting for! I know it was for me.

The front/ebook cover

I really wanted to capture each of the three classes of Sjelen in my covers. The first book has a golden orb representing the Ren in their purest form. Ethereal Sequence shows a silver orb of smoke which is meant to represent the Neutral Sjelen who are described in the first book as not aligning with any side. They prefer to exist as neutral demi-gods who don’t consider themselves “purists” like the Ren or beings who prefer to forsake their empathy and love like the Morken. They exist in the middle as I know most of us can relate to.

You will learn in this sequel that not everything is black and white in the world of the demi-gods. You may find yourselves agreeing with even the most surprising of new characters the Liv meets. One very important character being a Neutral, himself.

Back Cover

You can finally get a little blurb of what’s to come! I had a whole new look for the back that I was very excited to add to this second book. There maybe a change coming to Dream Sequence as well after this lovely addition is published at the end of this year.

Mock up of paperback

Above I have also added a preview of what the book will look like when you order a paperback copy! I think it’s stunning and will look so amazing next to Dream Sequence on your shelf! Just look at the amazing little spine design in the full cover below <3

Full paperback cover

And finally here they are together side by side in their paperback formats. I am already geeked to start working on the cover for the finally book in the series (I may have hinted on what that will have on it somewhere above ;p)

Book One and Book Two

Let me know in the comments what you think! I hope you’re excited for the Ethereal Sequence release in December 2022. The teaser chapter is still to come in the next couple of months and maybe a few little surprises and treats along the way!

Thank you!

Aubri <3

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