Teaser Chapter, Book Release Date, and More!

Hello all!

It’s finally time to make some announcements for the second book in the Sequence Trilogy. As many of you who follow my Instagram (@aubritheauthor) know that I am currently doing the final readthrough of the manuscript. Right now it’s at a whopping 107,000+ words! But once I’m done reading through it, it’s time for formatting and getting all the little bits a pieces ready for the release which I have decided will be…

Drum roll….

Ethereal Sequence Release Date

After doing a poll, it was determined that before Christmas would be best, so your wish is my command! That Friday, December 16th I will release both the ebook and paperback formats of book 2 on Amazon.

Book Two Teaser Chapter Release

I am planning on releasing the teaser chapter sometime this week, so stay tuned for that! My estimate will be the end of this week on Friday the 25th of Nov. or Saturday the 26th.

So, What About Pre-Orders?

Well, I’ll be doing something a little different this time and opening an Etsy shop for signed/unsigned paperbacks instead of making everyone contact me directly (not that I don’t love getting to talk to each person!). But this will give everyone a chance to snag a signed copy. I may also include some goodies that are book related!

The ebook pre-orders will be the same through Amazon and will start the week before (Friday, Dec. 9th) same goes for the signed copies. Those can be preordered on Esty as well around that same time. So you may want to sign up for the newsletter to make sure you are up to date on all things!

I wanted to thank everyone who has followed me this far and share the excitement for the Ethereal Sequence release!

Stay tune for the exciting things to come!

All my love,


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