Book One in the Sequence Trilogy:


Things haven’t been the same since the sudden death of her older brother as her parents now look to her to carry their legacy alone.

For two years, she kept her head in her studies, until finally bending to the unbreakable will of her roommate and agreeing to a night out. But Liv does something even she didn’t know she was capable of. Something horrible.

And in doing so, she let something in.

Liv is now plagued by thoughts and actions that are no longer her own, and every night, she has nightmares that threaten to consume her, bringing “inner demons” to a whole new level.

But someone reaches out through the darkness to save her, promising her protection, and a way out, though he himself is draped in mystery.

Liv’s battle with this metaphysical parasite rages on as she tries to uncover the truth. The demon, the boy, and the dreams are all connected, and she must figure out how before time runs out.

Failure to do so could cost Liv her life, or worse, her soul.

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Book Two in the Sequence Trilogy:


He forced Olivia to do the unthinkable, and now her spirit floats between worlds.

While her friends as family grieve at her bedside, Liv’s consciousness is in another realm, fighting to get back to them.

With Astraea and Scott still held captive by the monster she thought she loved, Liv must travel with Adrian and his old friends to get them back.

But navigating a realm of demi-gods split between three courts is far more difficult than she ever anticipated.

It’s a race against to clock to reclaim her soul and free her brother.

Only the gods can help them now.

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Book Three in the Sequence Trilogy


And it’s up to Olivia to find her.

The traitorous god has something up his sleeve, something that could rip the very fabric of the universe in two, but both he and Lucien need Astraea to accomplish it.

From Lucien’s prison atop the facility, Liv must fight her way through her own subconscious to find Astraea before her captors rip her out by force. Though Astraea remains silent to Liv’s pleas, she’s left breadcrumbs behind—past lives that Liv must sort through in order to find the fractions of her soul and piece them back together.

Meanwhile, Adrian and his friends must find a way to free Liv and take down Lucien once and for all, which may require help from powerful, unfamiliar faces.

The very universe is at stake in this final installment of the Sequence Trilogy.

If Liv can find the power within herself, she may very well save all the realms and finally make it back home.

Coming Soon

Reveal dates for release and teaser chapter TBA