
It’s been a hot minute since I sent out a post, but I wanted to send out an update on where I am now with book three.

But first, as many of you know, Ethereal Sequence is out and available on Amazon! Hop over to the Books page for all quick links and information.

In other news, book three that I have named Celestial Sequence is currently in the works. It’s not yet in the editing phase for those of you who are not following my journey on Instagram, but I hope to be there in the next couple of months. I haven’t yet released the title to all of my socials so you are the first to know the name of this final book in The Sequence Trilogy.

The cover is also ready! I plan to do a revel countdown in July in anticipation of the book being released in December. I will provide exact dates as soon as I know them!

Thank you for all of your support through my first book series! I am so excited to give this story an epic conclusion and begin a new journey.

Thanks again!

Aubri <3

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