I will be self-publishing Dream Sequence by the end of December 2021!

What does this mean?

Well, unfortunately, it means that no agents wanted to represent this particular story at this time. It got a little interest, I was told my concept was very interesting, but never made it past the secondary request. But that’s okay! This is the first novel I have ever brought to completion. I honestly didn’t expect to get represented right away. Especially since Dream Sequence is meant to be a trilogy and a lot of agents don’t want to take a chance on one debut novel let alone three. It doesn’t mean I’m done trying to traditionally publish. In the future I will have hard copies made. But I don’t want to leave this manuscript in my “desk drawer” gathering dust either.

Many literary agents and authors I follow have said that many authors have to write several stories before getting traditionally published and my novel is no exception. So, c’est la vie, we will keep trying.

The whole point of this is to share my art. To share something I have worked three years on. Whatever I need to do to get it out there will be done.

What now?

My goal is to get it released by the end of December 2021. Will I hit that goal? I will certainly try. I need to look into all the logistics, but I know that formatting is needed as well as the cover art.

I am currently working on getting the cover art started and will release it before the novel officially comes out. I will also be releasing a teaser chapter in the beginning of December. So, if you want updates on when all of that comes out subscribe! You’ll get a notification so you can check it out when it’s been posted.

Where will it be published?

I will most likely publish to Amazon and Google Books.


Drop me a message on my Contact page!

Thank you!

Aubri <3

1 Comment

  1. Nicole

    Can’t wait for the link to get it😍😍😍

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