I spend most of my days thinking about the “what if”s in life. My head forever in the clouds or stuck in a book, I love the magic of reading and writing. I love how it can take you on a journey, make you fall in love, change your entire whole.

I struggled for a long time trying to figure out what it was that I wanted to do with myself. For the longest time, my passion was architecture and that was my focus all the way through high school until I was accepted into CU Boulder and… let’s just say that didn’t work out. Next, I tried studying psychology in hopes of enrolling in the FBI academy to study the behavior of criminals. But the more a thought about it, the less appeal it held, as it could take me away from other opportunities in life.

I realized my problem was that I wanted to do so many different things that I couldn’t just decide on just one.

I’ve dabbled in writing stories for as long as I can remember but never took it seriously until I had the idea for my first novel. It woke me up in the middle of the night and ever since it’s been a crazy journey. I’ve finally found my true passion. Writing adventures can give me a little taste everything and presents the opportunity to share my wacky ideas and dreams with all of you.


I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, where I attended Grandview Highschool. All through my school days I dabbled in creative writing and other AP writing classes.

Colorado Springs, CO

After dropping out of college and moving to Colorado Springs, I met my husband, Andrew. About six months into dating we were given the opportunity of a lifetime: to live and work abroad in the UK. It was there I began the first draft of Dream Sequence. Collectively, we lived there for about a year and spent as much of that time as we could seeing the world. I feel so blessed in so many ways. Especially since traveling is a great benefit to ones writing.

Paris, France

So, here I am. I just self-published my first ever YA novel. A story about a girl who starts having mysterious dreams of a man and a monster. Only, they aren’t dreams at all… they’re very real and very dangerous. Olivia Stanley stumbles upon a whole new understanding to the meaning of life and what happens once it’s over. However, in her efforts to unravel this incredible mystery, she is slowly being changed. Altered by outside forces that are far beyond her control. She starts to lose herself along with her will to live in the human world.

Dublin, Ireland

Writing a book has been much more difficult than I initially though it would be. There were many times that I thought about giving up, but my love for writing (and my nagging husband) kept pushing me forward. That’s how I know this is what I was meant to do. I want to create and share my crazy stories with the world. Though this one took me three years to perfect, I think it was important experience for future projects.

I hope you take the time to explore my website, read some of my blog posts, or even send me a message! I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about anything of mine that you’ve read.

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