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You can read more about The Sequence Trilogy and download the teaser chapters on the Books page.


The Finale to the Trilogy

Follow My Instagram for the Latest Updates and Teasers: @aubritheauthor

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  • Book 3 of the Sequence Trilogy is in the Works!
    Hello! It’s been a hot minute since I sent out a post, but I wanted to send out an update on where I am now with book three. But first, as many of you know, Ethereal Sequence is out and available on […]
  • Pre-Oder for Ethereal Sequence is Open Now!
    Hello all! I wanted to write a post to announce the release of the pre-order for Ethereal Sequence. I’m doing something a little different this year so keep reading for the details. Amazon Kindle Pre-Order First off, I want to talk about […]
  • Ethereal Sequence Teaser Chapter is Out Now!!
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